Lou Gehrig’s Timeless July 4th Speech: A testament of strength and courage

July 4, 1939: Lou Gehrig says farewell to baseball with 'Luckiest Man' speech at Yankee Stadium.
Society for American Baseball Research
Amanda Paula
Tuesday July 4, 2023

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July 4th holds significance for all Americans, particularly Yankees fans who will always remember Lou Gehrig’s iconic speech on July 4th, 1939, at Yankee Stadium. Even though it has been over 70 years since it was delivered, this speech still resonates with baseball enthusiasts and is remembered as a significant moment in sports history.

Affectionately known as “The Iron Horse,” Lou Gehrig captivated the hearts of millions when he declared himself “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth,” despite facing the devastating diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This disease would ultimately take his life.

Lou Gehrig‘s baseball career was simply legendary. He debuted for the New York Yankees in 1923, and by his fifth season, he became a full-time starter, leading the league in runs batted in and winning the first of his two MVP awards. Throughout his 17-year career with the Yankees, Gehrig amassed impressive accomplishments, including league-leading stats in categories such as runs scored, batted in, and home runs. In 1934, he achieved the rare feat of winning the MLB Triple Crown, solidifying his status as one of the greatest players in the sport.

However, Gehrig’s remarkable streak of consecutive games truly set him apart. He played 2,130 straight games, earning him the nickname “The Iron Horse.” Only Cal Ripken Jr. would surpass this record decades later. Gehrig’s durability and consistency on the field were unparalleled, symbolizing reliability and commitment.

Lou Gehrig delivers famous farewell speech.

However, during the 1938 season, Gehrig began experiencing inexplicable fatigue and a noticeable decline in his performance. Despite these challenges, he continued to play. It was only in the spring of 1939 that Gehrig’s condition worsened, leading to stumbling and loss of bat strength during spring training. On May 2nd, 1939, after his 2,130th consecutive game, Gehrig removed himself from the starting lineup and sought medical attention at the Mayo Clinic, where he received the devastating diagnosis of ALS.

On July 4, 1939, six-time World Series champion and Yankees legend Lou Gehrig proclaimed himself to be "the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

On June 19th, 1939, the New York Yankees publicly announced Gehrig’s retirement, prompting the organization to organize a special day in his honor quickly. On July 4th, 1939, it became “Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day” at Yankee Stadium, attracting a packed audience eager to pay tribute to the beloved player. On this day, Gehrig delivered his unforgettable farewell speech, expressing gratitude for the support and kindness he received throughout his career.

His speech was filled with humility and appreciation as he acknowledged teammates, coaches, and fans who were part of his journey. Lou Gehrig emphasized the blessings in his life, including his family, his wife, and the opportunity to play the sport he loved. Despite his declining health and uncertainty about his future, Gehrig’s unwavering spirit and determination shone through his words.

Baseball's Gettysburg Address: The Lou Gehrig “Luckiest Man” Speech, July 4, 1939.
Baseball History Comes Alive

Although there is no complete video recording of Lou Gehrig’s speech, echoes of his sincere message persist. The ceremony concluded with Gehrig being embraced by his former teammate and once-rival, Babe Ruth, symbolizing unity and friendship between two baseball legends.

Lou Gehrig’s impact extended far beyond the baseball diamond. His courage in the face of adversity and his ability to find gratitude amidst personal difficulties inspire and resonate with people worldwide. His legacy endures as a phenomenal baseball player and a symbol of strength, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.

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Katherine Bhana

ALS is a cruel disease. My mum is 83 and had great difficulty speaking and swallowing much of anything. Food was getting trapped in her throat and blocking her air way was happening more often. she battled for each breath. The riluzole did very little to help her. The medical team did even less. Her decline was rapid and devastating. The psychological support from the medical centre was non-existent and if it were not for the sensitive care and attention of our primary physician, there she would have died. There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. Acupuncture eased her anxiety a bit. this year our primary physician started her on Natural Herbs Centre ALS/MND Ayurvedic treatment, 6 months into treatment she improved dramatically. It has been a complete turnaround with her speech, she no longer needs the feeding tube to feed, the treatment is a miracle. She recovered significantly! Visit Naturalherbscentre

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