Fresh from offseason grind, Giancarlo Stanton makes Cashman eat his words

Slim Giancarlo Stanton arrives at Tampa
Twitter/ @gingersnaphyde
Esteban Quiñones
Monday February 19, 2024

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In what can only be described as a defiant response to skepticism, Giancarlo Stanton has made a resounding statement, and rather quitely too. Four months after Brian Cashman publicly voiced concerns over Stanton’s proneness to injury, the slugger has returned to spring training in Tampa, showcasing a leaner, more formidable physique.

TAMPA, Fla. — A response best served lean

Giancarlo Stanton’s offseason metamorphosis into a leaner, more agile version of himself speaks volumes, especially in light of Brian Cashman’s comments last November. Cashman, the New York Yankees General Manager, had openly labeled Giancarlo Stanton as injury-prone, a statement that rippled through the baseball community, stirring a mix of concern and criticism. Stanton, usually reticent about controversies, chose to let his actions speak this spring. Upon his arrival at spring training, the transformation was undeniable.

“He knows my reaction to that,” Stanton said, referring to Cashman’s comments. This statement, brief yet heavy with unspoken words, underscored the depth of Giancarlo Stanton’s resolve. It wasn’t just about coming back; it was about coming back stronger, faster, and more resilient. Stanton’s dedication to his offseason regimen—focused on enhancing mobility and reducing the risk of lower-body, soft-tissue injuries—demonstrates a targeted approach to silence his critics and reclaim his position as one of the most feared hitters in the game.

This physical and strategic overhaul was inspired by Stanton’s desire to be “a baseball player again,” a goal that seemed distant last year when injuries and performance dips plagued his season. The narrative has shifted dramatically, from Stanton being viewed as a liability to now, a potential linchpin for the Yankees’ success in the upcoming season.

Cashman’s November remarks on Giancarlo Stanton

In November, amidst the off-season analyses and projections, Brian Cashman’s candid assessment of Stanton’s injury history struck a chord. “(Getting hurt) seems to be part of his game,” Cashman remarked, a comment that not only questioned Stanton’s durability but also highlighted a frustrating aspect of his tenure with the Yankees.

AP Photo/David J. Phillip

The fallout from Cashman’s comments was immediate, with Stanton’s agent, Joel Wolfe, issuing a statement emphasizing the mental and physical resilience required to play in New York. As Stanton embarks on this new season, his physical transformation and the adjustments to his training and playing style signal a fresh start. Beyond proving Cashman wrong, Stanton’s journey is about redefining his legacy and demonstrating that his game encompasses much more than the setbacks of the past.

As Stanton steps onto the field, leaner and more determined, the baseball world watches, eager to see the impact of his offseason grind. The story is no longer about what was said but about what will be achieved. What do you think? Leave your comment below!

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3 thoughts on “Fresh from offseason grind, Giancarlo Stanton makes Cashman eat his words

  1. Showing up in shape MAY help him stay healthier, but what has he done this off season to identify the problem? Has he taken any sort of skeletal or muscular tests to possibly identify? Years ago, Bernie Williams took a blood test to see what was good or bad for his body. Has Stanton undertook any more flexibility training? When Stanton doesn’t go on the IL at all in w024, then come back to me and tell me Stanton is making Cashman eat his words. Oh, and for the record, no matter what Yankees fan site that has comments, just know I am the biggest anti-Cashman guy out here.

  2. I wish Stanton the very best in terms of his health & performance because he’s a stand-up guy who never makes excuses when he performs poorly, as everyone does sometimes, but few men handle it with more class than Giancarlo Stanton.

    Having said that, I agree with AlanFromQueens that it’s too earlier to proclaim that Stanton’s sleeker form will guarantee that he will be able to make Cashman eat his idotic words.

    Sorry, AlanFromQueens, but nobody dests Brainless Brian more than I do, and his unnecessarily nasty rebuke of Stanton was rather self-serving for the following reason.

    When Cashman traded for Stanton, he obviously didn’t do his full due diligence because he apparently didn’t notice that Stanton had only played in 125 or more games 3 times in 8 Years with the Marlins.

    Now Stanton’s done that 5 times in 14 Years & Cashman had the NERVE to act SHOCKED in November when he complained about Stanton’s extensive injury history.

    Cashman seemed to be claiming: “If the Marlins hadn’t Held a Gun to My Head & Physically Prevented Me from looking at the back of Stanton’s baseball card, I’d never have made that trade!”

    Cashman’s tirade about Stanton’s injury history was yet another example of Brainless Brian attempting to lay blame for His Gross Incompetence as a GM on someone else.

    In fact, in Cashman’s case, GM must stand for GENERAL MESS because that’s the only thing Cashman seems to excel at, in terms of the Yankees’ roster the past 14 years.

  3. After having written my previous message, I realized I neglected to point out something Very Important about Stanton’s injury history.

    My childhood idol was the great Mickey Mantle. “The Mick,” as his adoring fans called him, suffered Numerous injuries throughout his illustrious HOF career.

    Mantle was one of the Greatest of the Great players in MLB history. If he had been able to remain relatively healthy throughout his career, like Mays & Aaron, he would have likely owned every major power record in baseball, likely surpassing Ruth in home runs & MANY other MLB records.

    But as hard as The Mick tried, injuries invariable curtailed his performance & led to an earlier than expected retirement.

    What made me think of The Mick was Cashman repulsive rant against Stanton in November. NO ONE in Yankees’ management or among his teammates, who ADORED The Mick, would have EVER Insulted & Disrespected Mantle the way that detestable man, Brian Cashman, disrespected Stanton in November.

    In fact, Yankee fans probably would have lynched any Yankee exec who insulted Mantle in that manner. But Cashman is NOT a classy man; he’s someone who’s always quick to Blame Others for his own incompetence.

    Some players are fortunate enough to go through a long career with very few injuries, unfortunately, Mantle wasn’t so fortunate, and Stanton hasn’t been that fortunate, either. But, in both men’s cases, it was NOT for a lack of trying.

    Regardless of whether Stanton makes it through this year relatively unscathed by injuries, we should ALL praise & thank him for the superior effort he obviously made this offseason to be more of a positive factor on the 2024 Yankees.

    And if Cashman has any class, which is doubtful, he should make a statement saying that he & the Yankees appreciate & admire the effort Stanton made this offseason to be in optimum shape for the upcoming season.

    Btw, I apologize for the two typos in my previous message; it’s unfathomable to me (in particular) how I missed the misspelling of “detest,” given how much I detest Cashman.

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