Yankees’ Aaron Judge expresses relief over not facing Luis Severino in Subway series

Yankees' star Aaron Judge and former Yankee Luis Severino
Amanda Paula
Monday June 24, 2024

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Aaron Judge is breathing a sigh of relief ahead of the upcoming Subway Series. The Yankees star is glad he won’t have to face his former teammate, Luis Severino, when the Yankees take on the Mets at Citi Field next Tuesday.

Despite Severino’s disappointment, Aaron Judge is content with the change. “I’d rather not face him,” Aaron Judge admitted in an interview with the New York POST, acknowledging that Sevs still has “great stuff.” However, he expressed reluctance to face a pitcher he had played alongside for such a long time.

Aaron Judge cheers Luis Severino success

Yankees' star Aaron Judge and former Yankee Luis Severino

Aaron Judge is well familiar Severino’s pitching, having faced him multiple times in practice and during the 2020-2021 lockout. More than many, the Captain knows firsthand about the quality and challenge that his former teammate could bring.

Now with the Mets, Severino has found form this season, boasting a 3.52 ERA after a difficult final year with the Yankees, where he finished with a 6.65 ERA.

Reflecting on their time together, Aaron Judge revealed he was happy to see Severino shine with the Queens.

“I’m excited to see him do well over there with the Mets. I’m happy for him,” Judge said. Both players came up through the Yankees’ minor league system, with Severino making rapid progress to the big leagues, becoming an All-Star in 2017 and 2018 before injuries put a halt to his swift career progression.

Aaron Judge praised Luis Severino’s resilience and work ethic. “He was always impressive and a hard worker. Even when the injury bug hit him, he never stopped working,” Judge said. Severino’s tenure with the Yankees ended on a low note last season, prompting the need for a fresh start at the Mets.

Now, Aaron Judge and Severino might both make appearances at the All-Star Game next month.

“He’s got his body back where he wants it to be,” Aaron Judge noted. “I wish he was still here in pinstripes having this comeback season, but he’s still in New York.”

Aaron Judge speculated that Severino’s turnaround might be partly due to a change of environment. “Maybe he felt pressure trying to rush back last year. Maybe that hurt him, and now he’s coming off a normal offseason and we’re seeing the results,” Judge said.

The Yankees and Mets will face off in the much-anticipated Subway Series without Severino on the mound, a fact that brings Judge some relief as the cross-town rivalry heats up.

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