Josh Donaldson benched again as Yankees decided on a strategic break

Josh Donaldson benched again on Sunday
Robert Sabo / NY Post
Amanda Paula
Sunday June 25, 2023

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The New York Yankees manager Aaron Boone stood firm in supporting Josh Donaldson, despite the player receiving criticism from fans in recent matchups. Recognizing the need to address Donaldson’s performance struggles, Boone strategically provided him with a break to reset his approach to the plate.

Unwavering trust in Josh Donaldson

Josh Donaldson benched again against Texas Rangers, June 25
The Athletic

Amidst mounting criticism, Aaron Boone‘s unwavering trust in Josh Donaldson has come to the forefront. Despite a lackluster performance, Boone remains convinced that Donaldson is a critical player for the New York Yankees. In interviews, Boone expressed his confidence in Donaldson’s offensive capabilities, emphasizing the untapped potential within the talented third baseman.

However, just prior to the pre-game interview, Aaron Boone arrived late to respond to the question. He mentioned that he had been conversing with Josh Donaldson, seeking clarification on the player’s absence in the series against the Texas Rangers over the weekend.

A strategic break

Josh Donaldson benched again against Texas Rangers, June 25
The Athletic

Recognizing the need for a reset, Aaron Boone made the challenging decision to give Josh Donaldson a break from the starting lineup. This break aimed to allow Donaldson to reassess his approach at the plate and rediscover his batting prowess. Aaron Boone’s meticulous planning and consideration for the player’s long-term success prompted him to afford Josh Donaldson a few days away from the demanding game schedule.

Aaron Boone’s decision to bench Josh Donaldson did not come easily. Aware of the player’s importance to the team, Boone weighed the potential benefits against the short-term implications. However, he firmly believed that this strategic break would allow Donaldson to work through his struggles and return as a stronger and more consistent performer. The manager’s confidence in Josh Donaldson’s ability to rebound positively post-break fuels his optimism for the player’s future contributions.

Realigning Perspectives

Yankees player Josh Donaldson benched again against Texas Rangers, June 25
Jim McIsaac

Aaron Boone engaged in a prolonged discussion with Josh Donaldson before the break commenced to ensure effective communication and alignment. This open dialogue aimed to foster a productive relationship and ensure that both manager and the player were on the same page moving forward. Boone stated they were “in a good place,” suggesting a harmonious understanding between the two parties.

Josh Donaldson’s statistics this season have reflected his struggles, with a dismal slash line of .125/.197/.406 and minimal offensive production. However, Aaron Boone firmly believes that Donaldson possesses a significant untapped potential that will soon translate into impactful offensive contributions. 

With the strategic break providing an opportunity for rejuvenation and a chance to fine-tune his approach, Donaldson’s return to being an everyday player is expected to bring positive changes for the Yankees.

What do you think? Leave your comment below.

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20 thoughts on “Josh Donaldson benched again as Yankees decided on a strategic break

  1. You gotta be freaking kidding. The guy hasn’t hit for the Yankees in two years and now he’s going to change? Both he and his buddy Hal (Steinbrenner) are delusional!

  2. Aaron Boone has to go. Cashman needs to go. If the Yankees are to change, it starts from the top. Cashman gets wrong players and Boone doesn’t know how to get the most out of his players. Steinbrenner needs to have some of his fathers passion for the Yankees for championships. It will send messages to the players to either produce or you will be shipped out.

    1. You can include the hitting coach and the strength and conditioning coach along with the other two. I have never seen a worse Yankee team in my life. Hal Steinbrenner is not his father for sure. George would have been a raving lune a tick. You know that old saying, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I don’t even want to start talking about Stanton.

  3. I’ll give Boone a pass. He is a clubhouse guy. Heck the team is still above . 500 with that lineup? But I’m tired off ownership and GM. Change has to come from the top. Can’t fire ownership but I wish he would sell the team

  4. That Donaldson package trade was bad from the time they made it. Boone should’ve never been hired. An Cashman have been making bad trades for the last 7 years. Only thing good came out of Cashman trades the last 2 years is Harrison. Everything else been really bad. With that being said it’s time to take out the trash.

    1. Thought that Donaldson was retiring? Bummer. Cashman is not that terrible and neither is Hal. They just need to change their ways of what they want the team to be. In paper, they are always great. However, trading or acquiring players with terrible injury histories doesn’t help the team. Hitting, they do not have a legitimate lineup. Every body wants to hit bombs. Few can. Hit get on base and play as a team. That Jo Adell rumor ..could that happen? Is Montas going to play at all this year..

  5. I’m 66 years old lifetime fan and I have never seen anyone in the Yankee organization get so many chances to fail!! All I hear is their in the playoffs every year !! Really are they !! They never get out of first round. They are awful and who is the architect of this mess ??? Brian Cashman!!! Oh yeah and he hired Boone Drain the Swamp Hal or sell the team

  6. Everyone forgets that Cashman was never really a GM when George was alive…He TOLD Cashman what to do and then he went out and executed the order … Once he got the reigns of the team with George’s passing, and Hal just saying here’s the budget, you see how terrible of a GM he really is.

  7. I think JD is being sat out because the games are at home, to avoid the Yankee stadium boobirds. The hope is that he gets going on the road.
    Personally, as these guys age (JS/DJL/JD) I think they need to keep a close eye on their vision worsening, and their bat speed slowing. May need vision correction and/or a lighter bat to get back to where they once were.

  8. Anytime a player leaves the Yankees (Hicks, Sanchez) they do better. Especially when they can grow beards. New York is not for every player. Another thing, why do the same players always gets hurt?

    1. They are all over 30. Dump’em. If they think Judge coming back will make a difference I’m sorry but he won’t. He’ll get his HR here and there but he will strike ou along with his buddy Stanton and Torres and Donaldson. Bring new blood into the team, Boone can’t coach them anymore. I’m 78 years old and been a Yankees since the Mick came into town. This team is the pits!

      1. Sorry my fellow fan but you should check your stats, I agree Judge strikes out but so did Mickey, anyway when Judge went down he had 19 home runs, 40 RBI’s and was hitting .291…in any day I would take a team full of .290 hitters

  9. Really !!!! The guy is batting .125 ….I’m 69 years old and I could bat .125. Boone has to go….the hitting coach has to go. It’s torture watching this fiasco….

  10. Yankees suck they should’ve never sign Judge they spent to much money on Judge.. I knew Judge will get hurt and he will miss alot of games this is not going to stop he will be injured for the rest of his Career… I think I’m the only smart Yankee fan that didn’t want Judge just like a-rod spend all that money on one player when they could’ve spent that money on making the team better.. I guarantee I can make this team better and manage the yanks better than boone-head

  11. When did yankees fall in love with all these homeroom hitters ? All the yanks think about is hitting Homer’s even the smallest guy on the team is thinking about Homer’s not basehits..

  12. Donaldson must go, just eat the money and let him go. Let the kids play..Keeping JD is paying a player a lot of money to hurt the team, hell pay me I could only hurt the team too

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