Gleyber Torres’ daring act excites fans, raises concerns too

Gleyber Torres celebrates after a bold baserunning move against the Orioles on July 4, 2023, at Yankee Stdaium. It helped the Yankees win 8-4.
Sara Molnick
Wednesday July 5, 2023

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The hero of the Yankees team that battered the Orioles in 2019 was undoubtedly Gleyber Torres. He repeated that performance again on Tuesday and it included a daring baserunning act. His action proved to be valuable for the Yankees in winning the game and their fans went in celebration mode commending Gleyber Torres.

In a surprising turn of events, the 26-year-old infielder showcased impressive speed as he swiftly rounded the bases and scored from first on Giancarlo Stanton’s RBI single during the fifth inning at Yankee Stadium. The Yankees seized a 4-3 advantage as a result of the run scored by Gleyber Torres in an inning that witnessed their previously held 3-0 lead evaporate.

Gleyber Torres’ fearless action ensured the Yankees’ 8-4 victory over the Orioles on the Fourth of July making Yankees fans excited. However, the manner in which he reached that outcome is likely to exacerbate the mounting concerns regarding his baserunning abilities and decision-making.

The desperado act by Gleyber Torres

With Gleyber Torres positioned at first base and two outs on the board, Stanton connected with a single to center field, causing him to advance to third base. However, disregarding third-base coach Luis Rojas’ signal to halt, Gleyber Torres continued his sprint. Taking advantage of Cedric Mullins’ delayed throw toward the infield, the Yankees’ infielder managed to cross home plate without encountering any defensive throws.

Stanton’s single, a sharply hit ground ball up the middle, did not travel far enough to reach the outfield wall and remained within the reach of Orioles center fielder Cedric Mullins, who fielded the ball without any complications. However, the positioning of Mullins, combined with his casual approach toward the ball, encouraged Gleyber Torres to make the decision to complete the run by rounding third base and proceeding to home plate.

According to manager Aaron Boone, he observed the opposing shortstop with his head down, leading him to anticipate that Gleyber Torres would make the bold move. Boone described the play as a display of Gleyber Torres’ instinctive decision-making. However, he acknowledged that while it can be beneficial, such plays can also land the player in trouble.

Boone noted that had Gleyber failed, there would have been questions raised. Nevertheless, in this instance, the crowd’s response was jubilant, highlighting the delicate balance between risky plays and their potential rewards.

“Very instinctive play. It gets him in trouble sometimes. If he gets thrown out at the plate you guys are asking me about it. Instead, the crowd goes wild. It’s a fine line. …Gleyber does have a knack for doing those kinds of things because he’s fearless.”

He mentioned that Gleyber Torres possesses a natural talent for executing such daring plays due to his fearlessness.

It involved risk

Rather than describing the play as purely instinctive, it is more accurate to characterize it as another example of an ill-advised decision that has unfortunately become a recurring pattern for Torres.

Disregarding the clear stop sign displayed by third-base coach Luis Rojas, Gleyber Torres completely disregarded it and continued his sprint while rounding third base. Mullins, caught off guard by this unexpected decision by Gleyber Torres, made a throw toward second base, seemingly unprepared for Torres’ attempt to score.

However, if Mullins had chosen to make a throw toward home plate instead, video replays indicate that Gleyber Torres would have most likely been tagged out by a considerable margin.

Gleyber Torres explained that his decision to advance was influenced by observing the outfielder positioned deep, particularly with Stanton at bat. Torres believed that the outfielder would throw to second base, and he took advantage of that assumption. Despite being aware of the stop sign given by Rojas, he took the risk, acknowledging that he was pleased to have scored. However, he acknowledged that had he been thrown out, it would have resulted in an unfavorable outcome.

“I know [Luis] Rojas gave me the stop sign. Happy I scored, but another point, if I get out, it’s gonna be a bad situation. But I’m a scorer. I feel good that I scored that run.”

Gleyber Torres expressed a sense of fulfillment in successfully scoring the run.

Past baserunning mistakes of Torres


Gleyber Torres has become familiar with encountering such challenging circumstances on a regular basis. During the Yankees’ victory over the Rangers on June 25, in the first inning, he found himself in a precarious situation. While positioned on second base, Gleyber Torres made an attempt to advance to home plate swiftly as the ball was popped out to second base, only to end up being doubled up.

Just a few days before, during the Yankees‘ triumph over the Mariners on June 21, he committed a comparable error by getting doubled up at first base on a flyout.

Those perplexing decisions highlight the prominent flaw that still exists in Gleyber Torres’ game, and they may potentially hinder his progress in achieving a higher level of recognition and standing. Boone has been actively advocating for him to be chosen as an All-Star, especially after his notable performance on Tuesday, which included a home run and scoring three runs.

Gleyber Torres acknowledged that he had faced difficulties on the bases over the past few weeks. He admitted to making a few outs and being involved in a couple of double plays, which had posed challenges for him.

In those types of situations, Gleyber Torres shared that his primary goal was to make decisions that benefit the team. He emphasized the collective backing he received from his teammates.

Yankees fan reactions

Yankees offense sparkled

On the Fourth of July, the Yankees secured an 8-4 victory over Baltimore in The Bronx, propelled by another strong performance from their offense. With this win, their record improved to 13-13 since Judge sustained his injury in Los Angeles.

Consequently, the Yankees gained ground on the Orioles, who currently hold the second position in the AL East standings, trailing the division-leading Tampa Bay.

Aaron Boone expressed his satisfaction with the team’s competitive spirit throughout the year, following their seventh win in the past ten games. He acknowledged that the season has presented challenges, including injuries and obstacles along the way. However, Boone credited the team for persevering and putting themselves in a favorable position to have a successful season.

Once again, the lineup displayed its power as it recorded two additional home runs, following the three homers hit in Monday’s victory. Gleyber Torres showcased his offensive prowess by hitting a home run and a double, contributing significantly to the team’s performance. Additionally, he made an impact on the bases by scoring the decisive go-ahead run in the fifth inning, starting from first base and crossing home plate on a Giancarlo Stanton single to center field.

Taking on the leadoff role for the first time this season, Anthony Rizzo began the bottom of the first inning with a walk, setting the stage for Torres to step up. In a display of power, Torres unleashed his 13th home run of the year, marking his first long ball since June 18.

In the seventh inning, the Yankees secured additional insurance runs as Jose Trevino launched a home run to the opposite field, targeting the right side of the field against left-handed pitcher Nick Vespi. Furthermore, the Yankees capitalized on loading the bases later in the inning, with Harrison Bader delivering another crucial hit in a late-game situation.

Clarke Schmidt belives the team is currently hitting its stride and finding its rhythm.

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