Blue Jays escalate allegations against Aaron Judge, take the case to MLB

Aaron Judge emerges as the tormenter in chief for the Blue Jays with back-to-back home runs at Rogers Center leading the Yankees to victory.
John Allen
Wednesday May 17, 2023

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The Blue Jays are out to torment Aaron Judge while the Yankees slugger is already tormenting them on the field. Though the Yankees have already provided their perspective on the matter and continue to support and uphold it, Toronto likes to up the ante.

The Blue Jays are skeptical of the explanations given by Aaron Judge and Aaron Boone. The latest news is that they have approached Major League Baseball, which is investigating the controversy surrounding a glance from Aaron Judge.

Aaron Judge is being targeted

The sequence of events started with Aaron Judge’s plate appearance in the eighth inning of Monday night’s game at Rogers Centre. The renowned power hitter glanced to his right multiple times during the at-bat, including a brief moment just before he crushed a colossal 462-foot home run off Blue Jays reliever Jay Jackson.

Following the game, Aaron Judge and Yankees manager Aaron Boone maintained that the glances were directed towards the first-base dugout in response to the ongoing complaints and comments from Yankees players and coaches. Throughout the game, both teams expressed their dissatisfaction with home plate umpire Clint Vondrak. The contentious officiating reached its peak in that particular inning, resulting in Boone’s ejection for disputing a low strike called on Aaron Judge during the pivotal at-bat.

Speaking to the press on Tuesday afternoon, Blue Jays manager John Schneider reiterated his doubts and concerns regarding Aaron Judge’s glances, describing them as “peculiar” and casting doubt on the explanation.

Schneider commented that he doesn’t rely on postgame media reports and found it amusing that Aaron Judge seemed more focused on his dugout while he was at the plate.

During Monday night’s game, there were suggestions that the Yankees might have been providing signs to Aaron Judge, potentially indicating tipped pitches with Jackson pitching. Schneider provided additional details to support these allegations, noting that the Yankees’ base coaches were not positioned within their designated boxes in foul territory.

Aaron Judge hit a massive home run at Rogers Center to lead the Yankees to victory on May 16, 2023.

Schneider explained that it is relatively easier for a batter to glance at a baserunner when hitting, rather than trying to look into the dugout. He mentioned that it might be somewhat simpler to observe a coach instead. Schneider also emphasized the significance of the designated coaching boxes on the field, stating that when a coach is noticeably positioned far outside of the designated area, it leads to certain conclusions.

This aligns with Aaron Judge’s gaze toward the right side, where it was observed that first base coach Travis Chapman was not positioned within the designated coaching box next to first base. However, it is worth noting that first and third-base coaches rarely adhere to standing in those specific boxes. In this particular instance, the Blue Jays’ base coaches were also not situated in the correct positions.

The Yankees defend Aaron Judge

However, the Blue Jays emphasized the positioning of base coaches as one of their primary concerns when they communicated with Major League Baseball on Tuesday. Neither Boone nor Aaron Judge was aware of any unusual positioning by Chapman, and they believe that this issue has been blown out of proportion and is not worthy of significant attention.

Yankees base coaches Luis Rojas and Dave Chapman.

Boone expressed his belief that those who have a good understanding of the situation are aware that there is no substance to the allegations. He anticipated that this viewpoint would be widely accepted as the situation develops. Boone acknowledged the attention surrounding the matter but emphasized that everyone involved in the game, including the media, recognizes that there is no wrongdoing taking place.

Boone further mentioned that he has communicated with MLB regarding the situation and expressed the Yankees’ belief that there will not be any further investigation apart from the initial inquiries. Regardless of whether or not the Yankees were providing indications of Jackson’s pitches, Boone affirmed that the team did not violate any regulations or rules.

Moreover, if Aaron Judge intended to gain an edge in that particular situation, his actions were overt and readily noticeable by cameras in real time. Considering his pristine reputation, would Aaron Judge willingly jeopardize it while his team held a commanding 6-0 lead in the eighth inning and a Triple-A pitcher, who was subsequently sent down after the game, was on the mound?

Aaron Judge stated that he believed all the necessary comments were made the previous day and expressed his confusion as to why it was being portrayed as a significant story.

MLB believes nothing significant

According to a report by Greg Joyce of The Post, MLB has found no significant evidence of a rule violation in Monday’s game, including any issues related to the positioning of the Yankees’ base coaches.

Blue Jays manager John Schneider remarked to reporters on Tuesday that the presence of boxes on the field serves a purpose. He mentioned that the Blue Jays are actively ensuring that they are not inadvertently providing any signals or hints to their opponents regarding pitch selection.

Schneider emphasized the importance of fairness, stating that if their players are unintentionally revealing any information, they need to improve in that aspect.

The Sportsnet broadcast team consisting of Dan Shulman and Buck Martinez extensively analyzed Aaron Judge’s intermittent eye movements. Aaron Judge expressed his dissatisfaction on Tuesday with the insinuation made by the TV duo that he could have been involved in cheating.

Aaron Judge stated on Tuesday that he had some choice words regarding the matter, but it would be best to keep those remarks off the record.

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Pat LHomme

It sure looks like Cheating to me clearly
Close up his eyes are looking over so you
Judge don’t have to say anything you Cheated it is Clear


You should maybe go back an look at all of his other at-bats during the season…and last season…and before that…to see how many times he “glanced into the dugout.” You’ll find nothing…and yet, everyone thinks he cheated against a AAA pitcher in the 8th inning of a 6-0 game? A pitcher who threw 10 previous sliders an, on the 11th, missed HORRIBLY over the plate. Great hitters CRUSH mistakes. He didn’t get a sign then and has never previously…

When you are captain of the New York BY GOD Yankees, you glance at your teammates if they are chirping loud enough to be heard…and if the ump has already tossed your manager, you want to make sure it isn’t a valuable player you can’t afford to lose. Captains o that sort of thing. He even stepped out on the pitcher to give a withering glance into the dugout because of the chirping.

Don Montalbano

The Jays continue to embarrass themselves. It bad enough how they gloat after getting a hit or home run. Like a little leaguer. Bo and Vlad are the worst and show no class.

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