Yankees on verge of losing out on Gio Urshela to higher-paying rivals

Bill Menzel/Latino Sports
Michael Bennington
Thursday February 8, 2024

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Spring training looms, but veteran infielder Gio Urshela remains unsigned, sparking a bidding war among several interested teams.

MLB Network’s Jon Morosi reports strong interest from the New York Yankees, New York Mets, and Miami Marlins. However, Yankees insider Bryan Hoch suggests the Mets and Yankees might be falling behind, with the Los Angeles Angels and Marlins potentially making more attractive offers.

Gio Urshela’s market remains hot

Gio Urshela’s 2023 season with the Angels was solid, with a .299 average and strong defense (.958 fielding percentage, primarily at third base). While his offensive output dipped (91 OPS+), his versatility remains a major asset. He seamlessly moves between third, first, and shortstop, providing valuable depth and insurance.

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Although known for his defense, Gio Urshela has flashes of offensive potential. He might not reach his previous heights with the Yankees (.292 average, 41 home runs, 119 OPS+ from 2019-2021), but his 2022 stint with the Minnesota Twins (.281 average, 8 home runs, 98 OPS+) showed he can contribute at the plate.

For the Yankees, Gio Urshela could be valuable insurance for DJ LeMahieu at third and offer infield flexibility. The Mets might see him as insurance for young prospect Brett Baty at third. However, Urshela might be looking for more than just money – perhaps a clearer path to regular playing time – which could influence his final decision.

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4 thoughts on “Yankees on verge of losing out on Gio Urshela to higher-paying rivals

  1. Cashnan, open the checkbook. Gio is a sparkplug and offers great versatility around the infield. You stated you were all in for 2024. NOW PROVE IT! Go get Gio signed and while you are at it, sign Montgomery or trade for Bieber.

  2. Cashman should’ve never trade him in the first place. He need to make a move now. We still need pitching one elite pitcher besides the one just got. An we need Chapman or Gio at third base. Because DJ LeMahieu isn’t the answer An don’t trade any more prospects for pitching. Spend the money. The Dodgers can spend 1 billion dollars on 2 players and we can’t spend 200 million on one. or 95 million on a good closer. Something is wrong with this picture Cashman.

  3. Hal Steinbrenner it’s time for a Change!! We as the people and Fan we been hearing the same thing for the last 14 years Cashman have made bad investments over that course of them years and even worse in the last 7 years . The writing is on the wall. Then next year he going to say the same thing. Hal you have given Cashman a open check book and what have Cashman gotten you. I can answer that nothing No World Series. But Cashman can sale the farm an get nothing back worthwhile. beside getting Soto what have been his best trade before Soto nothing. The writers isn’t saying the right thing. all the players we trade for in the last 2 to 8 years isn’t on the team. But we have trade alot in them years. look at all the pitching and prospects we have given up in the last 4 years. An have nothing to Show for it

  4. Gio is a PROVEN commodity in NYC. Unlike that piece of dung Donaldson, Gio didn’t wilt under the pressure of NY, he Excelled & became a beloved favorite of fans & teammates, whereas “Dung” Donaldson was an Absolute Cancer on the field & in the clubhouse.

    That’s yet another example of Brainless Brian’s Abject Stupidity! Cashman, you may recall, said that Donaldson was a vast upgrade over Gio. Yea, right, he was an upgrade the way a Hyundai is an upgrade over a Lexus.

    How many Completely Indefensible & Utterly Moronic Trades does Brainless Brian have to make before HIBERNATING HAL wakes from his 25-year slumber & realizes that Cashman is consistent in ONLY ONE RESPECT: HE’S ALWAYS WRONG:

    * On his trades: Donaldson, Monty, Montas, Gallo, Bader, Stanton, etc., etc.

    * His extensions or lack of them: extending Hicks, despite a prior injury history & inconsistent play in Minnesota, and NOT extending Judge, before it cost $40MM per, or Monty, before he became a $150-200MM World Series caliber pitcher

    * His Blatantly Incompetent Judgment on player talent:

    – Donaldson is vastly better than Gio (that, alone, should have gotten him fired!)

    – Torres & IKF can be everyday shortstops (OMFG!!!)

    – The 2023 82 win & 80 loss Yankees were “pretty f**king good.”

    – Montas is a #1 or #2 starter, when he’s actually a 4 or 5

    – Monty isn’t a playoff caliber pitcher. Right, Brainless Brian & you’re a “genius” at judging talent.

    – Finally, at the beginning of the 2021 season, he moronically INSISTED the Yankees didn’t need any LEFTY Power Hitters, then about 60 days into the season, he ran around like a Girl Scout with her hair on fire, hysterically screaming: “OH, MY GOD! OH, MY GOD! We need Lefty Hitters Immediately! What Idiot thought we didn’t, ah, oh, wait–never mind about that last part.”

    And then Brainless Brian, true to his consistently moronic form, “addressed” part of that need by trading for Joey “Whiff and F*** You for Complaining about It” Gallo.


    Come on, Hal, Yankee fans, who pay for tickets, the YES channel, Yankees merchandise, etc., deserve an Answer. Otherwise, it just feels like you’re saying: “Shut the F*** Up & just keep dishing out the dough to me & my siblings.”


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