Michael Kay ups off-field Yankees offense against ‘mid’ Braves

Yankees voice is with rapper RZA at Yankee Stadium on June 2, 2024.
Sara Molnick
Monday June 24, 2024

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During Sunday’s broadcast of the New York Yankees‘ game against the Atlanta Braves, announcer Michael Kay introduced some Gen Z slang into his commentary. He referred to the Braves’ offensive performance as “mid,” a term that signifies mediocrity. The Yankees voice clarified the slang for his broadcast partner, Joe Girardi, explaining that it means “middle of the road” in terms of the team’s statistics.

This wasn’t the first time Michael Kay has used contemporary slang on air. Earlier in the month, he drew attention for describing an enthusiastic San Francisco Giants crowd as “lit,” a term he used to the amusement of his co-commentator, Paul O’Neill.

Michael Kay’s use of Gen Z terminology might be influenced by his interactions with his young children or exposure to social media platforms like TikTok. His efforts to incorporate modern slang into his broadcasts have become a distinctive aspect of his commentary style this season.

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One thought on “Michael Kay ups off-field Yankees offense against ‘mid’ Braves

  1. Michael Kay shows all the signs of a midlife* crises with his absurd desire to appear in-the-know to younger listeners. (Hey, the correct use of the word “mid,” how about that, Mel Allen? You have to be a bit older to get that joke.)

    There are few things more embarrassing than watching an older man trying to act or sound like a teenager. Knock it off, Michael. You’re embarrassing yourself & annoying the F— out of adults who aren’t afraid to act like adults.

    What’s next, Michael? Buy a ragtop Corvette? Do a comb-over? Wear a bad toupee?

    Please just stop it. O’Neil wasn’t laughing With You the other day, he was laughing At You, while adult listeners were cringing at your absurd attempt to sound “cool” to a generation that likely doesn’t even use the word cool the way we did.

    Btw, if you are going to use childish slang against the other team, do it only if the Yankees are whipping the sh** out of that team, NOT when they’re getting their butts kicked 2 out of 3 games against a statistically middling offense. That’s Really Embarrassing.

    As a writer, your use of youthful slang reminds me of the 3 times I’ve heard Allegedly Professional news people announce (quote) “A Fundraiser for Cancer.”

    NO!!! Saying that is like saying, “Hey, Cancer, you’re doing such a great job killing people, we’d like to reward you with a financial windfall.”

    Say the God D— Full Expression: “A Fundraiser for Cancer Research” or “A Fundraiser for Cancer Prevention”; it’s just one more Vitally Important Word, for god’s sake! Stop being lazy with the English language.

    And you’re not helping with your inane use of youthful slang, Michael. You’re a good announcer & an excellent interviewer of famous people, like Billy Crystal. So, act your age & speak like an adult. If you had said that Atlanta has “a statistically middling offense,” everyone, both old & young, would have understood what you meant.

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