Michael Kay hits Blue Jays’ Schneider with a verbal counterpunch over ‘Fat Boy’ controversy

Michael Kay attacks Blue Jays manager John Schneider over fat shaming the Yankees assistant batting coach.
Daniel Nolan
Thursday May 18, 2023

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Michael Kay too joined the ‘fat-finding’ brigade on Wednesday and fired a verbal salvo at Blue Jays manager John Schneider, who weighs a stocky 250 pounds himself.

During Tuesday night’s 6-3 Yankees victory against Toronto, the Blue Jays manager insulted someone in the Yankees’ dugout by saying “fat boy,” not “frat boy.” Later, speculations became rife that Brad Wilkerson, an assistant hitting coach for the Yankees, was the target of the bullying.

Schneider hollered, “Shut up, fat boy! Shut up!” across the field as the two sides made fun of each other for things like Domingo German’s ejection, a wayward third base coach, and allegation of sign-stealing. T