Clarke Schmidt’s start is only positive thing on a negative night for Yankees

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Clarke Schmidt‘s trajectory is showing positive signs. Thursday evening served as a clear illustration, as his performance was the only positive highlight for the Yankees, who otherwise had a night full of negatives.

Despite facing the formidable Orioles and encountering unfavorable calls, the right-handed pitcher managed to showcase more strengths than weaknesses in the Yankees’ 3-1 defeat at Yankee Stadium.

Clarke Schmidt expressed his satisfaction with his progress, highlighting the improvements he has been making with each outing. He emphasized his growth as a starter and mentioned the valuable lessons he has learned along the way. Schmidt’s comments came after he pitched five resilient innings, giving up only one earned run while recording four strikeouts and issuing two walks.

Clarke Schmidt’s best so far

Clarke Schmidt’s performance in the game marked the end of an impressive month of May for him. Throughout the month, he consistently demonstrated his ability by allowing two earned runs or less in four out of his last five starts.

This particular start had the potential to extend further if it weren’t for the influence of home-plate umpire Edwin Moscoso.

New York Yankees starter Clarke Schmidt

Clarke Schmidt had every reason to expect an early exit in the opening inning. Rather than getting the out he needed, the Yankees starter allowed the bases to be loaded by issuing a walk to Gunnar Henderson.

Three pitches found their mark within the strike zone, all of which had the potential to result in a strikeout for Henderson. All three pitches were deemed as balls by the umpire’s judgment.

The starter remained unfazed by the situation. Clarke Schmidt successfully got Austin Hays out with a pop-up, securing his way out of the inning. He acknowledged that situations like that are bound to occur in baseball. He emphasized the importance of maintaining composure and quickly moving past it. Clarke Schmidt also highlighted the significance of hitting his intended spots and executing his pitches effectively, trusting that things will eventually work in his favor. He emphasized his commitment to not allowing such incidents to significantly impact his performance on the mound.

The high pitch count in the first inning certainly didn’t aid Clarke Schmidt in going deep into the game, with a total of 29 pitches thrown in that opening inning.

Manager happy with Clarke Schmidt

However, manager Aaron Boone expressed satisfaction with Clarke Schmidt’s performance, highlighting his ability to navigate through five innings and limit the potent lineup of the American League. Despite facing a challenging opponent, Schmidt managed to allow only one run.

Boone commended the starter’s performance, acknowledging the challenge of facing a formidable lineup that included formidable left-handed hitters. According to Boone, Clarke Schmidt’s ability to keep the game close and provide the team with an opportunity to succeed was impressive.

Boone was supportive of Schmidt and stood behind him. He was ejected by Moscoso in the third inning after a heated argument over the umpire’s calls on balls and strikes.

Clarke Schmidt made a point to express his gratitude to Boone for standing up for him. He acknowledged the unwavering support of his manager, stating that it was a reassuring feeling to witness Boone’s relentless determination and advocacy for the team. He emphasized that Boone consistently has their backs, a quality that was evident during the game.

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