Yankees prospect Everson Pereira’s year ends, placed on full-season IL

On June 13, 2024, the Yankees announced that Everson Pereira has suffered an unknown injury and will be out for rest of the season.
Amanda Paula
Thursday June 13, 2024

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The New York Yankees have encountered an issue with Everson Pereira, their promising young outfield prospect, necessitating his placement on the full-season injured list. However, the exact nature of the injury remains unclear, but it represents a considerable setback for Pereira.

Everson Pereira in 2023 vs. 2024

Everson Pereira in a Yankees game in 2023

Initially, it seemed like Everson Pereira was in for a tough season. Despite a promising performance last year, he struggled at the start of his first Triple-A stint this year. The Yankees‘ prospect main issue in 2022 was an intermittent swing-and-miss problem, leading to a prolonged high strikeout rate throughout the season.

In the first eight games of last year, Everson Pereira had a .200 batting average and a 99 wRC+. He struck out in over 40% of his plate appearances, reminiscent of his struggles in the MLB the previous summer. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t shake off his difficulties. However, by the end of the season, he had improved: his strikeout rate decreased to around 30%, his wRC+ increased to 123, and his slugging percentage rose to .530. His performance notably improved in the last few games.

Unfortunately, Everson Pereira suffered a season-ending injury after his final 10 games, during which he posted a 10.9% walk rate, a 21.7% strikeout rate, and an .866 OPS—the best of his year. He finished the MiLB season with 40 games played and 10 home runs, a significant setback for a promising player in the Yankees’ farm system. His injury came just before the trade deadline, leaving the Yankees without one of their top outfield prospects.

As 2024 began, Everson Pereira started to show significant progress but was soon sidelined by another injury. Looking ahead to 2025, his recovery and continued performance for the Scranton RailRiders will be crucial indicators of his potential.

While Everson Pereira’s injury is a setback for the Yankees’ farm system, Pereira will focus on his recovery and preparation for future contributions to the Bronx Bombers’ success.

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