Yankees’ Domingo German accepts 10-game ban, fine over sticky-stuff episode

Domingo German of the New York Yankees
John Allen
Thursday May 18, 2023

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On Wednesday night, Domingo German commenced his suspension despite lingering inquiries about his use of foreign substances. He was penalized with a 10-game ban and an undisclosed financial penalty for breaching the rules against foreign substances. This penalty was imposed after he was ejected before the start of the bottom of the fourth inning in Tuesday’s game against the Blue Jays at Rogers Centre.

The Yankees’ series in Toronto ended in a 3-0 defeat on Wednesday, coinciding with the implementation of Domingo German’s suspension.

Domingo German chose not to contest the sentence resulting from his ejection during his Tuesday start following umpires’ finding of unusually sticky substances on his hands before the start of the fourth inning. As a result, the Yankees would have to compete with a reduced roster for 10 games, commencing on Wednesday, as they were not permitted to replace Domingo German with another player on the roster.

Manager Aaron Boone stated before the series resumed at Rogers Centre that, ultimately, Domingo German had crossed the line as determined by the umpires, and now they must accept the consequences of his actions.

However, there was a significant disagreement between the Yankees and the Blue Jays on Tuesday evening. Domingo German maintained that he solely utilized the rosin bag during his time on the mound, whereas crew chief James Hoye asserted that the substance on the starter’s hand was not rosin.

Boone mentioned that there were further discussions on Wednesday regarding the assertion that the amount of rosin used had exceeded an acceptable level. He acknowledged that there was apprehension over the accuracy of Hoye’s assessment.

Boone explained that he did not personally inspect or touch Domingo German’s hand and relied on the information provided by James while remaining focused on strategizing for the remainder of the game. Regarding the brown residue seen on Domingo German’s pants, he explained that it was chewing tobacco that he applied with his hand. This explanation was supported by video evidence from the YES Network broadcast.

Umpires checking with Domingo German of the New York Yankees at Rogers Center on May 16, 2023, for allegedly using a sticky substance. He was ejected.

Domingo German released a statement

On Wednesday, Domingo German issued a statement outlining his plan of action in response to the 10-game suspension. He stated that he would not seek to appeal the suspension, citing his belief that the decision would be made by MLB rather than an impartial arbitrator.

Domingo German stated that he had been notified by MLB about his 10-game suspension following his ejection on Tuesday. He mentioned that he had discussed the appeal process with the MLBPA and his team, and discovered that the appeal decision is made by MLB rather than through a neutral arbitration process. Consequently, Domingo German expressed doubt about his chances of winning an appeal. The Yankees requested that he should accept the 10-game suspension to begin serving it promptly and return to pitching at the earliest opportunity. Therefore, German announced his decision to accept the suspension.

Domingo German’s statement read:

“I was informed by MLB that I am being suspended 10 games because of my ejection on Tuesday. I discussed the appeal process with the MLBPA and my team. I learned that the appeal decision is made by MLB, not through a neutral arbitration process—so I do not believe I have a chance to win an appeal. The Yankees asked that I accept the 10-game suspension so that I can begin serving it immediately and return to the mound as soon as possible. Therefore, I am opting to accept my suspension.”

During his suspension, Domingo German expressed his desire to gain a clearer understanding of the appropriate usage of rosin. The umpiring crew that ejected German on Tuesday was also responsible for instructing him to wash his hands during an April 15 game against the Twins at Yankee Stadium due to excessive rosin use.

According to Domingo German, while inspecting him last time, the umpiring crew told him that he was not using the rosin bag on the mound as required. This led him to intentionally make more frequent use of the rosin bag on the mound to emphasize its proper usage.

Domingo German mentioned that the issue arose because there was an excessive amount on his hand. He pointed out that with the summer approaching and increased sweating on the field, a proper grip is necessary. However, the Yankees starter also emphasized the importance of receiving clear guidance from the umpires regarding what is deemed appropriate and what crosses the line.

Domingo German of the New York Yankees was ejected at Rogers Center on May 16, 2023, for allegedly using a sticky substance.

Yankees sticky condition

In May, Domingo German had been performing exceptionally well as one of the Yankees’ standout starting pitchers. He recorded an impressive ERA of 1.64 in four starts during the month. This marked a significant improvement compared to his performance in April, where he had a higher ERA of 5.54 in five starts.

Yankees captain Aaron Judge acknowledged the challenging situation Domingo German was in, noting that he had been pitching exceptionally well. Judge mentioned that the team would discuss the matter in the upcoming days and that the Yankees starter had received input from several individuals regarding the situation.

In response to the absence of a starting pitcher, Boone revealed that the team intends to activate right-hander Luis Severino from the injured list. Severino is scheduled to make his season debut on Sunday in Cincinnati.

Unless there are any game postponements, Domingo German will be eligible to rejoin the Yankees on May 28 when they face the Padres. During this period, it is possible that there will be frequent movement of bullpen pitchers between the Bronx and Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre to ensure that the Yankees have sufficient coverage.

Boone explained that each day presents its own challenges and circumstances. He acknowledged that there are days when the team has a full complement of pitchers and still feels short on certain occasions based on the events of the week or the previous day. However, he emphasized that the approach remains largely unchanged.

Domingo German of the New York Yankees

According to him, the Yankees go into each day with a clear understanding of which pitchers are available and what resources they have at their disposal, and they adapt and strategize accordingly. Boone expressed the need to adapt and make the best of the situation, emphasizing that no single player should bear the entire burden. He stressed the importance of collective effort and teamwork, stating that they will work together and handle the responsibilities collectively as a team.

Meanwhile, the Yankees faced the challenge of navigating through the next 10 games with a limited 25-man roster, requiring them to strategize and manage their resources effectively.

Fortunately for the team, the Yankees received positive news as Luis Severino, returning from the injured list, was set to fill German’s spot in the rotation for the next game against the Reds in Cincinnati. After completing a successful rehab start for Double-A Somerset on Tuesday night, Severino’s return was planned according to the team’s original schedule, and the rotation issues did not accelerate his comeback.

It was mentioned that the Yankees would benefit from an off day on Monday, as it would allow them to potentially adjust their rotation if necessary and provide their pitching staff with some much-needed rest.

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