Teammate reveals Josh Donaldson’s quirky Brewers clubhouse arrival

Ex-Yankees player Josh Donaldson, who is now with the Brewers
Inna Zeyger
Tuesday September 26, 2023

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During a recent installment of “Foul Territory,” Rowdy Tellez, the first baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers, shared an anecdote about Josh Donaldson‘s arrival in the clubhouse. Tellez described how Josh Donaldson opted not to formally introduce himself to his new teammates, asserting that there was no need since they were already familiar with who he was.

His teammate Tellez recounted the incident and mentioned that he wasn’t initially afraid of him. He recalled a situation where, upon entering the clubhouse and introducing himself to teammates, Josh Donaldson had responded by saying, “Everybody knows who I am.” He continued, explaining that in such situations, it’s customary to greet former teammates, and he had done so by saying, “What’s up?” However, Josh Donaldson responded with a joke, asking if he was on a seafood diet. He had playfully replied, “Yeah, good one, good one. Seafood, e-food, I beat you to it,” and had jokingly told him to go away.

Josh Donaldson’s stint with the Brewers

Josh Donaldson, formerly associated with the New York Yankees, was recently promoted by the Milwaukee Brewers from Triple-A Nashville. The Yankees had released the 37-year-old player in late August, severing ties with the aging third baseman after two unsatisfactory seasons following his acquisition by the team before the 2022 season.

As for Milwaukee, they found themselves ranked 26th in baseball in terms of OPS (.694). On Monday, they held a 79-63 record and maintained a three-game lead in the NL Central over the Cubs.

Following his departure from the Yankees, Josh Donaldson quickly joined the Milwaukee Brewers’ Triple-A team. Nonetheless, his time in the minors has been limited to just five games due to a lingering calf injury.

A headache for the Yankees

It’s worth noting that Josh Donaldson is coming off the least productive seasons of his career during his tenure with the Yankees, where he grappled with a combined batting average of .207 and an OPS of .678.

Manager Aaron Boone provided insight into the Yankees’ choice to release Josh Donaldson, mentioning that they believed it was the appropriate course of action. Boone expressed that they wanted to offer him the opportunity or possibility of finding a place with another team. He explained that they felt it was the right time to make this decision instead of prolonging the process.

Josh Donaldson, now at the age of 37, is a far cry from the player he once was when he secured the 2015 American League MVP award. Nevertheless, his stint with the Milwaukee Brewers offers an intriguing new chapter in his career.

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