Rodriguez asks Soto to avoid his Boras gaffes, push for a Yankees deal now

Alex Rodriguez and David Ortiz take a selfie with Washington Nationals’ Juan Soto before Game 3 of the baseball World Series against the Houston Astros Friday, Oct. 25, 2019, in Washington
Inna Zeyger
Friday June 14, 2024

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Former New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez has some timely advice for current Yankees standout Juan Soto: take control and secure a deal with the team now, rather than waiting for free agency. As a player who once shared the same agent, Scott Boras, A-Rod understands Soto’s position as a generational talent on the brink of a significant payday.

Appearing on ““The Michael Kay Show” on June 7, Rodriguez emphasized that there’s no better place for Soto to play than New York. He praised Soto’s proven track record as a winner and his charismatic personality. The Yankees great suggested that Soto should approach Boras and express his willingness to take a slightly smaller deal to remain a Yankee and continue chasing championships, a strategy Rodriguez himself employed during his career.

“There’s no better place on the planet for him to play than in New York,” he said. “And he’s a proven winner. He’s very likable. He can go to Scott Boras and say — look, I went to him and said I’m going to take less to stay in New York. You had two teams that wanted to give me more years and more money, and I said, ‘No way, I’d rather be a Yankee. I’d rather be a champion.’ I think that’s what Juan Soto should do.”

Rodriguez to Soto: Don’t repeat my mistakes with Boras

Reflecting on his own choices, Rodriguez, who spent 12 seasons with the Yankees, disclosed that he had opportunities for more lucrative deals with other teams but opted to stay in New York. He believes Soto should consider a similar approach.

However, it’s worth noting that Rodriguez and Boras had a falling out by the end of the player’s career. The two parted ways in 2010 after Boras had represented him for 16 years. While Boras negotiated a landmark 10-year, $252 million deal for A-Rod with the Texas Rangers in 2001, the slugger claims Boras was only nominally involved in his subsequent 10-year, $275 million deal with the Yankees in 2007.

Despite past tensions between Rodriguez and Boras, the former Yankees star’s advice to Soto is straightforward: if he truly loves playing in New York, he should communicate that to his agent and work towards securing a long-term deal with the team now, rather than testing free agency.

Yankees' Juan Soto and his agent Scott Boras
AL Bat

Rodriguez has urged current Yankees standout Soto to take control of his career, even if it means defying his agent, Scott Boras. Drawing from personal experience, Rodriguez, once represented by Boras, understands the dynamics Soto faces as he approaches his first major contract in his mid-20s, compared to Rodriguez’s own negotiations at age 31.

Rodriguez shared that during his first major contract, Boras had significant control. However, by his second deal, Rodriguez took the reins, telling Boras he preferred to remain a Yankee despite potentially higher offers from other teams. He emphasized his desire to be a champion and leave a lasting legacy in pinstripes.

“I think Scott Boris drove the bus a little bit more, actually a lot more (then),” he said. “The second time around, I drove the bus. And I said, Scott, I know there’s more money somewhere else. I don’t care about that. I want to be a Yankee. I want to be a champion, and I want to be remembered in pinstripes. And that’s exactly what we did.”

Rodriguez also recounted a mishap during the 2007 World Series when Boras mishandled his opt-out, leading Rodriguez to believe the Yankees no longer wanted him. Consequently, Rodriguez took charge and negotiated his own deal to stay with the Yankees.

Reports from Jon Heyman of The New York Post and The Athletic indicate Soto has already turned down seven contract offers, including a 15-year, $440 million extension from the Washington Nationals in 2022. This suggests Yankees owner Hal Steinbrenner will need to present a compelling offer to secure Soto’s long-term commitment during the upcoming offseason.

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2 thoughts on “Rodriguez asks Soto to avoid his Boras gaffes, push for a Yankees deal now

  1. I think over the last several years Boras has let his ego write the contracts for his clients. Well, last year teams were not jumping at him to give his guys the contracts he thought they should get, and his top 5 clients from last winter are all suffering this year. Snell would be stupid to opt out. Montgomery’s year is an utter disaster. Something to be said that Altuve got Boras to get an extension done before the start of the season.

  2. “Thank You!” A-Rod for encouraging Soto to sign long-term with the Yankees.

    Even putting aside my Yankee loyalties, A-Rod was right in saying there’s no better place for Soto to play for the next 12+ years because of the Yankees winning tradition & what an ideal place NYC is for a Beloved Hispanic player.

    And the Yankees can offer Soto a Luxury that No Other Team Can: having one of the most Dominant Home Run Threats in Baseball History hitting behind him, forcing pitchers to pitch to Soto or face Judge with at least one man on.

    The Mets can’t offer him that kind of protection, and having Volpe hit in front of him & Judge behind & will help Soto pad his future HOF stats in a way that no one else can. Moreover, Yankee Stadium is a perfect park for Soto to maximize his Home Run, Doubles & RBI totals to possibly Historic Levels.

    And Soto will make Untold Millions in Endorsement Contracts if he plays long term in the media capital of America, New York City, for the Most Prestigious Team in Baseball History.

    One last thought on extensions: HAL would be an ABSOLUTE FOOL to let Verdugo go after one year. He’s been EXACTLY what the Yankees need in LF for Many Decades Now.


    Every aspect of Verdugo’s game is Wonderful! And think back to last year’s Awful Merry-Go-Round of Left Fielders & remember how much 3-outcome guys like Gallo & Donaldson SUCK! unlike well-rounded Verdugo.

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