Orioles’ broadcasters throw shade at Yankees following hit by pitch

Yankees' Aaron Judge was hit by a pitch on June 18, 2024, and Orioles' Gunnar Henderson was hit next day at Yankee Stadium.
Sara Molnick
Thursday June 20, 2024

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Tensions escalated in the Yankees-Orioles series when Baltimore shortstop Gunnar Henderson was hit on the shoulder by Yankees reliever Victor Gonzalez in the seventh inning of Baltimore’s 7-6, 10-inning win on Wednesday night. This incident came a day after Yankees players Aaron Judge and Gleyber Torres were struck by pitches from their AL East rivals.

MASN commentators Kevin Brown and Brett Hollander criticized the lack of warnings from the umpires, given the preceding day’s incidents, which included an up-and-in pitch to Henderson from Yankees pitcher Nestor Cortes. Hollander emphasized that the pitch to Henderson was dangerously high and inside, arguing that home plate umpire Gabe Morales should have issued warnings, echoing calls from many observers.

Brown commended Henderson for his composure over the past two games despite the heated circumstances. He expressed bewilderment at Morales’ decision not to warn either team following the hit-by-pitch and speculated on the Yankees‘ possible motives for targeting the young infielder, though he admitted he couldn’t definitively say if it was intentional. However, he asserted that if it was deliberate, it would be a disgraceful act.

“If the Yankees were thinking about doing something like this, down three [runs] in the seventh with the bases empty, is the time you might do it, he said. “And if they did do it, and if they did throw up and in intentionally to Gunnar Henderson, then frankly shame on them.”

This incident has added another layer of intensity to the already contentious series between these AL East rivals, ensuring heightened vigilance as the season progresses.

Hits by pitches up the ante in the Yankees-Orioles series

The rivalry between the Yankees and Orioles intensified on Wednesday night when Baltimore shortstop Henderson was struck by a pitch from Gonzalez during the seventh inning in The Bronx. Brown suggested that if the Yankees intentionally aimed high and inside at Henderson, it would be disgraceful, particularly given the context—the Yankees were trailing by three runs with no runners on base.

Earlier in the day, Orioles starter Dillon Tate acknowledged the Yankees’ frustration after Aaron Judge was hit by a pitch, which resulted in a hand injury. Orioles manager Brandon Hyde expressed his hope that players from both teams could avoid being hit by pitches, noting that the incident involving Judge received extra attention due to its occurrence in New York.

Hyde stressed that getting hit by pitches is an unfortunate aspect of the game that no one wants to see, emphasizing that his team also wants to prevent such incidents from happening.

“When something like that happens — because it’s probably in New York — it’s a little bit bigger of a deal,’’ he said. “But we just don’t want that to happen.”

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2 thoughts on “Orioles’ broadcasters throw shade at Yankees following hit by pitch

  1. I think Brett Hollander is a terrible play by play guy. He is so busy talking to players in the dugout about anything other than the game going on. Not sure how someone would consider the Yankees or anyone for that matter wanting to throw at someone when you are losing the game. especially late in the game. The Yankees don’t care about Henderson, except to get him out, not put him on base. they need the wins, not feeling good about hurting another player. Concentrate on the game and pass on what is happening, not what the dude in the dugout did in college for the time you went thru 3 different batters. Or how awesome it was for the centerfielder to catch a ball by the fence, it was a good play, but not 3 innings worth of how great he is. Get in the game. I sure am glad you are not play by play for the Yankees I would be watching all games without the volume turned up.

  2. “Victor Gonzalez drills Gunnar Henderson.” Thank you, Gonzalez!

    Yes, I think the Orioles were purposely throwing at Judge to try to intimidate him, and they really didn’t care if they hit him because they know he’s vital to the Yankees chances of winning the East.

    So, whether it was happenstance or willful, I don’t F-ing Care! You CANNOT let the opposition to hit your best player, especially one you’re fighting with to win the division.

    And the Orioles may well have already Benefited from hitting Judge because there’s a good chance the Yankees would have Won Game 2 with Judge in the lineup, which would have increased the Yankees lead over the Orioles by 2 Games in 2 Games Time!

    Let’s not forget that Aaron Judge has a career .304 batting average with 108 hits, 39 homers, 85 RBIs, and 95 runs scored in 100 games against the Orioles. So, the fact that they hit him seems willful.

    And while I detest Torres, he’s also been a major nemesis to the Orioles in the past with a career batting average of .297 with 92 hits, 22 homers, 56 RBIs, and 54 runs scored in 86 games.


    Until the Yankees pitching staff puts 1-2 Oriole players (preferably Henderson & Rutschman) out for a game or two, the Orioles debt to the Yankees WILL REMAIN UNPAID, ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY LIKELY “STOLE” A WIN BY INURING JUDGE.

    And if any Yankees are thrown at in game 3 or 4, Adley Rutschman needs to be hit & hit hard, especially since he’s the catcher & he knows damn well when “it’s” coming. So, Bye, Bye, Rutschman if that happens in game 3 or 4.

    Retaliation in these situations is an ABSOLUTE MUST as a way of sending clear & painful message to the Orioles to Knock It the F-Off!

    That’s the way these situations have been handled HISTORICALLY, so to the people who whined that they don’t like that, I say this: So, would you prefer that the Orioles end the Yankees’ season by injuring Judge, Soto, and Volpe. Because that’s a real possibility if you don’t send a clear message to the Orioles saying, Your guys will Go Down & go down hard if you keep hitting Our Guys.

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