Juan Soto’s sluggish bat after injury poses challenge for Yankees

Juan Soto slump continues as the Yankees drop third straight series on 23rd June, 2024.
Esteban Quiñones
Monday June 24, 2024

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As the dog days of summer begin to loom, the New York Yankees find themselves grappling with a conundrum that could define their season: the surprisingly sluggish bat of Juan Soto post-injury. Known for his explosive offensive capabilities, Soto’s recent performance has been underwhelming, raising concerns amidst the team’s broader struggles.

A rough stretch for the Bronx bombers

Over the last 20 games, the Yankees’ performance has been far from their usual dominant selves. They managed a series win against the Kansas City Royals (3-1), but it’s been a downhill journey since then with losses in three consecutive series against formidable opponents: the Boston Red Sox (2-1), Baltimore Orioles (2-1), and Atlanta Braves (2-1). Right before the Kansas City series, they also lost a series 2-1 to the Los Angeles Dodgers, another World Series favorite team alongside the Yankees.

Juan Soto’s troubles date back to June 9th, when he missed a crucial series against the Dodgers, which the Yankees lost, marking the start of their poor slump. Juan Soto’s left forearm injury had a lingering issue. A few days into being taken out of the lineup mid-game, he underwent an MRI which revealed inflammation but no structural damage. There is speculation as to whether that injury is causing Soto’s unexpected slump at a crucial time this year.

Since returning from injury, Juan Soto’s batting statistics have noticeably dipped. Over his last 15 games, Soto has posted a batting average of .227 with just one home run and three RBIs. His on-base percentage, although decent at .485, and a slugging percentage of .318 are stark departures from his usual prolific numbers. This downturn has coincided with the Yankees’ string of losses, underscoring how integral Soto’s bat is to the team’s offensive production. Despite this slump, Soto’s ability to get on base has been crucial, setting the stage for Aaron Judge, who continues to deliver home runs and drive in runs with remarkable consistency.

Juan Soto’s enduring brilliance amidst challenges

Despite the recent slump, Juan Soto’s season statistics paint the picture of a player still performing at an MVP level. With an impressive line of .305 batting average, 18 home runs, and 56 RBIs coupled with 63 walks so far this season, Juan Soto remains a formidable force at the plate. His performance against left-handed pitchers has been particularly noteworthy. According to Joel Sherman of The New York Post, Soto’s 1.007 OPS against lefties ranks as the second-highest among left-handed batters with at least 50 plate appearances this season. His .569 slugging percentage against southpaws is currently the best in Major League Baseball.

Yankees' Juan Soto is at bat against the Braves at Yankee Stadium on June 21, 2024.

With 80 plate appearances against lefties already under his belt as a Yankee, projections suggest he could end the season with around 125 appearances against southpaws. In the storied history of the Yankees, only 22 left-handed batters have managed an OPS of 1.000 or better with at least 125 plate appearances against left-handed pitching in a season. Legends like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig dominate this list, which highlights the elite company Soto is poised to join if he maintains his performance.

Juan Soto’s future in pinstripes

The Yankees find themselves at a crucial juncture with Juan Soto. Despite his current slump, his overall impact and potential make him an invaluable asset for the team. As the season progresses, the Yankees will soon prioritize securing Soto’s future with the team. His versatility as a hitter who can consistently challenge both left and right-handed pitchers, get on base as often as you can imagine, and batting runs in often, makes him a strategic cornerstone for the franchise. But the Yankees’ World Series run will most probably determine his willingness to return to the Bronx.

In conclusion, while Soto’s recent performance post-injury may be causing a stir, his season-long stats and historical comparisons suggest a player still very much in the MVP conversation. The Yankees, therefore, face not just the challenge of revitalizing Soto’s bat for the immediate playoff push but also the broader strategic imperative of ensuring his place in the team’s long-term plans. With players like Soto and Judge, the Yankees have the pillars around which to build a championship-caliber team as the trade deadline nears, provided they navigate their current challenges effectively. What do you think? Leave your comment below!

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