Jose Trevino gets MLB Players Trust funds for art program for special needs

Jose Trevino, player of the new york yankees
Amanda Paula
Monday May 27, 2024

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Jose Trevino, the New York Yankees‘ catcher, has been named the inaugural Most Valuable Philanthropist of the Year by the MLBPA Players Trust, as reported by The Associated Press. This accolade includes a $5,000 grant for “Special Hearts,” a nonprofit founded by Trevino’s former high school teacher, Sherri Davis, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Trevino credits his passion for philanthropy to the life lessons he learned in Davis’ teen leadership class.

Reflecting on his high school experience, Trevino emphasized the significant impact of Davis’ teachings. “It changed my life,” Trevino told The Associated Press. “She taught me numerous life lessons that continue to guide me.”

What does Special Hearts mean?

After a 47-year teaching career, Davis founded Special Hearts in 2016. Trevino has been a major supporter of the organization, regularly visiting and interacting with its members during the offseason.

Davis commended Trevino’s altruism and his knack for making others feel valued. “You’ll never hear anyone say anything negative about Jose,” she remarked. “He has a unique ability to make people feel worthy of whatever they do.”

Special Hearts offers various arts education classes to individuals aged 12 to 80. The group frequently performs throughout Corpus Christi and is a favorite of Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo, who often includes them in the city’s Fourth of July celebrations.

The connection between Jose Trevino and Special Hearts

Jose Trevino, player of the new york yankees

Though Jose Trevino is a key player in the MLB, he remains deeply connected to his hometown community. Despite being nearly 2,000 miles away in New York, Trevino is a prominent figure at Special Hearts, with photos of him and the students proudly displayed at the center.

“It’s amazing what he’s doing for Special Hearts,” said student Victoria Hinojosa. “He has really made us all happy and made us believe we can achieve anything.”

Davis and her students deeply appreciate Jose Trevino’s support, though he attributes the organization’s success to Davis’s dedication.

Thanks to Jose Trevino’s recent donation, Special Hearts will launch a new initiative called “The Remarkables,” where members, dressed as superheroes, will perform at children’s hospitals and nursing homes.

Jose Trevino continues to apply lessons from his high school days, including a breathing technique taught by Davis to stay focused before games. “What Ms. Davis is doing is incredible, and I have immense respect for her,” Trevino said. “Anyone around Ms. Davis is lucky because she’s just a great person.”

Jose Trevino’s recognition, selected by a panel of former players, highlights the MLBPA Players Trust’s commitment to encouraging athletes to make meaningful contributions to their communities. Amy Hever, the Trust’s director, underscored the importance of spotlighting local causes like Special Hearts, which significantly enrich their communities through dedicated efforts.

Special Hearts’ mission to provide arts education and build confidence among individuals with special needs has profoundly impacted its participants and the broader community, with Trevino’s support being vital to its success.

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