A-Rod drops bombshell: Yankees implicated in 2014 PED probe

Alex Rodriguez as a Yankees player
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Amanda Paula
Wednesday September 13, 2023

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Former MLB star Alex Rodriguez, who once proudly donned the iconic pinstripes of the New York Yankees, has made headlines yet again, this time for his involvement in the 2014 Biogenesis PED scandal. Rodriguez’s cooperation with federal agents in 2014 has unearthed shocking revelations, as he openly admitted to purchasing performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) from the infamous Biogenesis clinic.

ESPN’s comprehensive investigation has uncovered this revelation, bringing renewed attention to a scandal that occurred ten years ago. Adding to this, A-Rod recently spoke out about the incident just a month ago.

What happened?

Former Yankees' star, Alex Rodriguez.
Michael Locciano

According to the ESPN report, during his 2014 interview with attorneys from the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Rodriguez disclosed that he, along with fellow players Manny Ramirez and Ryan Braun, had sought PEDs from Biogenesis and its founder, Anthony Bosch. Notably, the identity of a third player remains a mystery as they never tested positive for the banned substances. In stark contrast, both Ramirez and Braun faced suspensions in their careers due to their PED usage.

In a stunning twist, Rodriguez also confessed to deceiving Yankees president Randy Levine in 2012 when he categorically denied any dealings with Bosch. This admission came on the heels of Rodriguez receiving a severe 211-game suspension for violating Major League Baseball’s strict anti-PED policy. As part of his cooperation with authorities, he was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for the admissions he made, including his purchases of PEDs from Bosch.

The ESPN report delves even deeper, revealing that Rodriguez spent approximately $12,000 per month between 2010 and 2012 on creams and lozenges containing testosterone, human growth hormone, or a combination of both. Astonishingly, Bosch received these payments in cash, at times drawn from the Yankees’ petty cash fund, acting as an advance on Rodriguez’s salary.

Additionally, Rodriguez divulged that his cousin, Yusi Sucart Sr., had long served as his supplier of PEDs and even attempted to extort $5 million from him.

Despite a storied MLB career, boasting remarkable statistics such as 3,115 hits, 696 home runs, and 2,086 RBIs, Rodriguez has faced rejection from Hall of Fame voters during his initial two years of eligibility, largely due to his association with PEDs. However, in recent years, he has made efforts to rehabilitate his public image, becoming a minority owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx, and successfully transitioning into a media career with ESPN and FOX Sports.

In response to the ESPN investigative report, Rodriguez has chosen to remain silent, declining to provide any comments or statements at this time.

This latest revelation has reignited discussions about the enduring impact of PEDs in professional sports and the lingering questions surrounding their effects on athletes’ legacies.

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Steve Brace

I think professional sports has long departed from guys going out and playing a game with all their heart because they loved it, to being the business of entertainment. That being said entertain me, I want to see a 900 ft home run and 150 mph pitch, feel free to get there using any enhancement device that entertains me just make it worth the price I pay to watch it. Greed, lawyers, agents, and big business have killed the Sports World I grew up with
now entertain me.

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