Gleyber Torres unfiltered: losing the ‘stache, beating ‘comeback boys’ DJ/Rizzo & naming top Yankees pal

Yankees' Gleyber Torres at spring training 2024
Esteban Quiñones
Monday March 4, 2024

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Spring training sessions are not just about physical preparations; they’re also about team bonding and showcasing players’ personalities beyond their athletic skills. In 2024, Gleyber Torres of the New York Yankees provided a perfect example of this. While being mic’d up during a training session, he shared insights, banter, and personal tidbits, giving fans an intimate look at his character and relationships within the team.

Ground balls request for infield gang before Mexico trip

During the session, Gleyber made a specific request, aiming to sharpen fielding skills with his teammates before they headed to Mexico. He said, “Maybe, the last day, before we leave to Mexico, we want you to give us ground balls on field three. DJ, Volpe, Rizzo, and me, nobody, no cameras.” This moment highlighted their collective focus on improvement and camaraderie. In a surprising turn, Aaron Boone later mentioned Higgy, and revealed that the ex-Yankees catcher took groundballs every year toward the end of spring training. Kyle Higashioka is now with the San Diego Padres, traded along with a few other players for Juan Soto.

Gleyber Torres’ mustache mystery

Gleyber’s surprise mustache and the sudden removal shortly before Yankees photo day didn’t go unnoticed, and he was quick to explain the reasoning behind shaving his mustache, saying, “I am a superstitious guy, so last year, I got a good year without a mustache, I don’t wanna mess around with that.”

Gleyber Torres of the New York Yankees
Twitter/ jbrophybaseball

RBI competition: old vs. young

In a friendly yet competitive twist, Gleyber Torres and Anthony Volpe challenged Anthony Rizzo and DJ LeMahieu – the comeback boys, to an RBI competition, humorously dubbed “old vs. young.” The teams were neck and neck, but Torres and Volpe managed to clinch the win.

Gleyber Torres is at Yankees 2024 spring training camp.

Gleyber reveals favorite teammate of all time

During a casual conversation with Rizzo, Gleyber Torres disclosed that his all-time favorite teammate is Gio Urshela, now with the Detroit Tigers. This revelation sparked a moment of nostalgia and respect for past collaborations on the field. Rizzo reciprocated by sharing his favorite teammate from the Cubs, Ian Happ, who also has a connection to Torres as his former minor league roommate.

Gleyber addicted to pistachios

Adding a touch of humor and relatability, Gleyber confessed his love for pistachios, even suggesting a unique endorsement deal. His affinity for the snack was a lighthearted reminder of the players’ human side, their quirks, and the simple pleasures that keep them grounded.

All in all, Gleyber Torres’s candid moments during the mic’d up session provided a refreshing perspective on the life of a professional athlete. Beyond the rigorous training and competitive games, it’s these personal stories, friendships, and idiosyncrasies that truly define the players and bring the team closer together. What do you think? Leave your comment below!

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