Gerrit Cole returns solid performance, and father-son moment

Gerrit Cole made his 2024 season debut against the Orioles.
Amanda Paula
Wednesday June 19, 2024

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Wednesday night’s game was memorable for Gerrit Cole, not only for his performance on the mound but also for a touching moment with his son. After his outing, Cole’s son sent him a loving gesture, which Cole warmly acknowledged with a nod, marking a heartfelt father-son connection.

Gerrit Cole vs. Orioles


Gerrit Cole was removed after allowing a single to start the fifth inning. Ron Marinaccio then surrendered a two-run homer. Cole’s final stats: 4+ innings, 3 hits, 2 earned runs, 1 walk, and 5 strikeouts from 62 pitches, 40 of which were strikes. He reached a peak velocity of 97 mph, recording six swings and misses.

Gerrit Cole’s return to Yankee Stadium, amidst high expectations for the season, saw him greeted with enthusiastic applause. He departed to a standing ovation after facing one batter in the fifth inning. Cedric Mullins’ first-pitch single concluded Cole’s evening with the score tied 1-1. Marinaccio’s subsequent two-run home run added to Cole’s earned run tally.

Despite the outcome, Gerrit Cole showed promise. He struck out five batters, all in the last eight he faced. His fastball peaked at 97.5 mph, with a pitch distribution of 45% four-seam fastballs, 21% cutters, 18% curveballs, and 8% each of changeups and sliders.

Gerrit Cole’s road to recovery

Gerrit Cole, the reigning AL Cy Young Award winner, was making his 2024 debut following a lengthy rehab from right elbow nerve irritation. His return against the Orioles, the team closest to the AL East-leading Yankees in the standings, was eagerly anticipated. Gerrit Cole had thrown 70 pitches in his final minor league rehab start, with the Yankees cautiously building him up.

Yankees’ rotation

The Yankees‘ rotation has been formidable, even in Gerrit Cole’s absence. With an MLB-best 51-24 record and a league-low 3.38 runs per game allowed, the team’s pitching staff has been a strength. Rookie Luis Gil has excelled with a 2.03 ERA, and Carlos Rodón is regaining his top form. Cole’s return bolsters a rotation that rivals the best in baseball, enhancing the Yankees’ championship aspirations.

Gerrit Cole’s performance and his touching interaction with his son underscored a night filled with promise and emotional resonance, marking a significant moment in his and the Yankees’ season.

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