Anxiety over Aaron Judge’s free agency turns hilarious after MLB insider’s ‘Arson Judge’ tweet

Fans at Yankee Stadium supporting Aaron Judge during a game.
Michael Bennington
Wednesday December 7, 2022

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With the MLB winter meetings going on in San Diego, everyone in baseball is waiting to hear what type of contract Aaron Judge will get or which team he will opt for. But the slow pace of his decision-making is just making fans frustrated. However, on Tuesday, the anxiety over Judge’s next step got a checkmate for a few hours and the social media burst into laughter when MLB insider Jon Heyman of The New York Post “jumped the gun” to announce Aaron Judge was going to the Giants. The tweet started trending on MLB Twitter, but not for the reason Heyman intended.

As rumors started to spread about the San Francisco Giants’ chances of signing Aaron Judge, Heyman sent out a tweet in an attempt to get the biggest scoop of the offseason. He not only mistakenly tweeted the wrong info but also misspelled Aaron Judge’s name, writing “Arson Judge” instead in a penchant to break the news.

But soon Heyman realized his mistake. Less than two minutes later, he changed his mind and said that the Giants hadn’t heard from Judge yet.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Giants reportedly came up with a $360 million deal for Aaron Judge. This might have prompted Heyman to do the premature tweet. However, even “Arson Judge” didn’t go to San Francisco. Before Giants fans could even think about buying a jersey, both Judge and his evil twin were taken out of the Giants’ lineup.

Within 10 minutes, Giants CEO Larry Baer was quoted by Chelsea Janes of the Washington Post saying there was “nothing to report” about Aaron Judge’s contract.

But Heyman’s mistake sparked a laughter riot on social media. Even though his tweet was frustrating for many fans who were waiting to hear what the free-agent slugger decided, it led to a lot of funny tweets.

Aaron Judge, who is the most sought-after free agent on the market, seems to have only two teams left as his potential suitors — the Yankees and the Giants. In just five minutes, Giants fans went through a wide range of feelings.

Heyman later acknowledged his mistake on 95.7 The Game’s “Damon & Ratto” and talked about Aaron Judge’s free agency.

Did Heyman commit this blunder because of the anxiety over Aaron Judge’s free agency? What do you think? Leave a comment below.

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