Alex Cora’s jibe at Yankees boomerangs, fans bring up his cheating scandal

Red Sox manager Alex Cora takes a dig at the Yankees, fans backfire reminding him of his cheating past.

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In the age-old rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox, every game, every comment, and every dig is magnified. The latest installment in this heated saga comes courtesy of Red Sox manager Alex Cora, whose recent remarks have ignited a firestorm among Yankees fans. Cora, emboldened by Boston’s recent hot streak, took a jab at the Yankees, but the move backfired spectacularly as fans quickly reminded him of his controversial past.

Alex Cora’s dig at Yankees followed by some Bronx bashing

The rivalry between the Yankees and the Red Sox is as storied as it is intense. Recently, the Red Sox have had the upper hand, winning two out of three games in a crucial series against the Yankees. This marked a significant shift in momentum, with the Yankees spiraling into a slump and the Red Sox surging ahead. Alex Cora, sensing an opportunity, decided to stir the pot.

New York Yankees pitcher Carlos Rodon reacts after giving up a three-run home run to Toronto Blue Jays’ George Springer during the second inning of a baseball game Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Toronto.
Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press via AP

Speaking to the media before a game against the Blue Jays, Cora urged the Red Sox’s upper management to capitalize on their recent success and make aggressive moves before the July 30 MLB trade deadline. “Let’s get greedy,” Cora said, emphasizing that the Red Sox should aim higher than just the third Wild Card spot. He made a pointed reference to the Yankees’ struggles, stating, “There’s teams ahead of us that, they’re not playing good baseball. I know one of them is probably only for five days, but there’s more out there.”

This thinly veiled dig at the Yankees did not sit well with their fans. Social media quickly lit up with comments, the vitriol palpable. One fan on Reddit, under the username u/yankeefan03, responded with a blunt, “Obligatory f*ck Alex Cora,” while another, silver_raichu, added, “F*ck this cheating piece of shit.” The anger was not just limited to expletives. User hairyandpink4u called Cora a “Cheating asshole” and told him to “STFU.”

byu/HailPrincessTrunks from discussion
byu/HailPrincessTrunks from discussion
byu/HailPrincessTrunks from discussion

Yet, amidst the sea of hatred, some fans acknowledged the truth in Cora’s remarks. A user named cipherbreak noted, “Well, he didn’t say anything that is not 100% accurate. The Yankees got swept by the Mets and convincingly lost 5 out their last 6 series/sets. The Red Sox could absolutely—with the right moves—end up second in the division behind the Orioles. That was not much of a dig.” Despite this, the overarching sentiment was clear: Cora’s past actions overshadow any legitimacy his current remarks might have had.

Ghosts of Alex Cora’s cheating past

The backlash from Yankees fans highlights a lingering resentment over Alex Cora’s involvement in the Houston Astros’ sign-stealing scandal. As the bench coach for the Astros during their 2017 World Series-winning season, Cora played a significant role in one of the most controversial episodes in MLB history. The scandal involved using a video feed from a center-field camera to decode opposing teams’ signs in real-time. These decoded signs were then relayed to Astros hitters through various means, including banging on a trash can to indicate certain types of pitches.

Cora was not just a participant but a leader in the scheme, heavily involved in both the planning and execution. His influence as a bench coach allowed him to coordinate these efforts effectively. MLB’s investigation revealed that Cora actively promoted the sign-stealing system among players, making him a central figure in the scandal. As a result, Cora faced significant consequences, including a suspension for the entire 2020 MLB season. He had parted ways with the Red Sox shortly before the suspension was announced, though he was later rehired for the 2021 season.

The Astros’ sign-stealing scandal remains a sore point, and Cora’s role in it continues to draw ire. Yankees fans, in particular, have not forgiven him, and any opportunity to remind the world of his past is seized with enthusiasm. Notably, the Yanks lost the 2017 ALCS 4-3 against the Houston Astros, before the Astros beat Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series. The sentiment was summed up by user ItsVoxBoi, who bluntly stated, “Alex Cora should be permanently banned from baseball. Fuck this cheating asshole.”

The fallout from Cora’s comments underscores the deep-seated animosity in the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry. Even as Boston surges and New York stumbles, the past is never truly forgotten. The shadow of the 2017 scandal looms large, making every comment from Cora a lightning rod for controversy. In the end, the rivalry between the Yankees and the Red Sox continues to be one of baseball’s most compelling narratives And as Alex Cora has learned, the past is never truly past, especially in the unforgiving world of baseball. What do you think? Leave your comment below!

One thought on “Alex Cora’s jibe at Yankees boomerangs, fans bring up his cheating scandal

  1. For Alex Cora, one of the Biggest Cheaters in Baseball History, to denigrate anyone else is like a Call Girl calling a Street Walker a F**king Whore.

    YOU’RE A WHORE, CORRA, because you PROSTITUTED YOUR INTEGRITY to cheat your way to disreputable title, and in the end your enduring title will always be that of A CHEATING WHORE.

    Did you really think we’d forget that about you, you Cheating Whore?

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