Alex Rodriguez suggests Mets to land Juan Soto if he leaves Yankees

Yankees' star Aaron Judge and Alex Rodriguez
Esteban Quiñones
Sunday June 9, 2024

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Alex Rodriguez has a bold plan to rejuvenate the Mets, but it might not sit well with Yankees fans: Acquire Juan Soto. During a Fox broadcast before the Yankees-Dodgers game on Saturday, Kevin Burkhardt asked Rodriguez how he would fix the Mets.

Alex Rodriguez responded with unwavering clarity and ambition: by recruiting Juan Soto. However, a notable hurdle presents itself—Soto currently belongs to the Yankees.

“Look, the Red Sox broke the curse with getting this guy,” Rodriguez said, pointing to David Ortiz. “Today’s ‘this guy’ is Juan Soto. You get Juan Soto in a three-year process and start again.”

What happened

Juan Soto, player of the new york yankees

Derek Jeter quickly interjected, acknowledging the potential conflict with the Yankees. “Hal Steinbrenner is gonna have something to say about that,” Jeter said.

Currently, Juan Soto is having an impressive first season with the Yankees, though he has been sidelined for the last two games due to left forearm inflammation. Yankees manager Aaron Boone mentioned Saturday that while Soto might need to go on the injured list, the injury isn’t expected to be severe.

Former Yankees players Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez, along with ex-Red Sox player David Ortiz, appeared on Fox Sports on June 8, 2024.
US Weekly

Alex Rodriguez emphasized the urgency of the situation during an appearance on “The Michael Kay Show” on Friday. “If you’re dating a girl that you love, then you wanna marry her, don’t let her become a free agent and that’s the same way I feel about Juan Soto,” Rodriguez said. “Do not let him become a free agent. Make your best offer now and put the best chips on the table. Do not wait for him to become a free agent.”

Alex Rodriguez’s advice is clear: the Yankees need to secure Juan Soto before the Mets can even consider making a move. He noted that Mets owner Steve Cohen has the financial power to outbid anyone, including the Yankees.

Before Rodriguez’s bold suggestion, David Ortiz made a lighter, albeit impractical, remark. “Move to Oklahoma,” Ortiz joked. “Too much pressure here in New York. Playing under the shadow of the Yankees, I would move to Oklahoma.”

These comments come as the Mets were preparing for the London Series against the Phillies. Rodriguez’s plan for the Mets is straightforward: target Juan Soto to kickstart a revival. While this strategy would undoubtedly strengthen the Mets, it poses a significant challenge to the Yankees, who are keen on retaining Juan Soto.

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One thought on “Alex Rodriguez suggests Mets to land Juan Soto if he leaves Yankees

  1. The way the rules are written, you screw yourself up for this year if you sign a guy to an extension during the season. Now, does Soto tell Boras to get a deal done now, but won’t be announced till after the regular season? I think no matter what Soto has to be driving his contract bus.

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